Auto Parts-Engine oil

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Auto Parts-Engine oil

Engine oil, that is, engine lubricant. Density of about 0.91 × 10³ (kg / m³) can play a lubricating engine wear, auxiliary cooling temperature, sealing leakage, rust and corrosion prevention, shock absorption buffer and other roles. It is known as the "blood" of the automobile.

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Product Details

Motor oil consists of two parts: base oil and additives. Base oil is the main component of the lubricant, determines the basic properties of the lubricant, additives can make up for and improve the performance of the base oil deficiencies, to give some of the new performance, is an important part of the lubricant.

Engine is the heart of the car, the engine has a lot of mutual friction movement of the metal surface, these parts of the movement of fast, poor environment, working temperature up to 400 ° C to 600 ° C. In such poor working conditions, only qualified lubricants can reduce the wear and tear of the engine parts, to extend the service life.

The oil on the market because of its base oil can be briefly divided into mineral oil and synthetic oil two kinds (vegetable oil because of the scarcity of production so do not count).

Synthetic oils are divided into: fully synthetic and semi-synthetic.

Lubricant base oil is mainly divided into two categories: mineral base oil and synthetic base oil. Mineral base oil is widely used, the amount of large (about 95%), but some applications must use synthetic base oil blend of products.

