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Auto Parts-Auto Battery

Car battery, also called storage battery, is a kind of battery, which works by converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Usually, the battery that people refer to is the lead-acid battery. That is, a kind of battery mainly made of lead and its oxides, the electrolyte is sulfuric acid solution.

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Product Details

The normal service life ranges from 1 to 5 years and is highly dependent on the condition of the vehicle. In the vehicle generator back to charge normal, no electrical leakage hitch can be used basically about 3 years. If you feel charging into the power or starter powerless, headlights are obviously dimming the need to remove the battery with a charger to charge 12-24 hours, if it is not yet possible and the mileage has reached more than 50,000KM, and the generator does not fail, it is necessary to consider changing the battery. Some batteries become very large after the use of old internal resistance, a full charge, a put on the end, this battery with a triple meter to measure its no-load voltage is also normal. Therefore, can not just measure the no-load voltage, but also to measure its discharge current, can be used to measure the discharge meter. Discharge voltage is not less than 10V is normal, less than 10V is proof that the battery may be broken, must be replaced. The lower the voltage when loaded, the greater the internal resistance of the battery, the worse the discharge characteristics.

